Rabu, 29 Desember 2010



1. Cara mudah Aktivasi Windows XP Pro SP2 Klik Start, terus klik RUN. Dikotak yang muncul, ketik regedit, kemudian klik OK.

2. masuk ke HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\ WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\WPAEvents

3. Klik kanan OOBETimer, terus pilih Modify. Ganti setidaknya satu value untuk men-deaktif-kan Windows. klik OK! Klik lagi ke Start, trus klik Run.

4. Ketik perintah ini >> %systemroot%\system32\oobe\msoobe.exe /a klik OK. Nanti di Pop-Up pilih Yes, I want to telephone a customer service representative to activate Windows, lalu klik Next.

5. Pilih Change Product key. Masukan Key baru dikotak isian, V2C47-MK7JD-3R89F-D2KXW-VPK3J

6. Klik Update. Kalo kembali ke tampilan sebelumnya, klik Remind me later, trus start komputer.

7. Ulangi langkah ke-6 untuk verifikasi apa Windows udah diaktifasi. Lo bakal dapet pesan ini:Windows is already activated. klik OK untuk keluar!.

Cara menghilangkan Windows Genuine Victim di XP

Menghilangkan Peringatan Windows Genuine Advance (WGA)

Langkah2nya adalah sebagai berikut :

  • Buka Task Manager dengan menekan “Ctrl+Alt+Del”
  • Matikan proses yang bernama “wgatray.exe”
  • Restart computer dan masuklah ke dalam Safe Mode (biasanya dengan menekan tombol F8)
  • Pada Safe Mode, buka registry editor dengan cara klik Start \\ Run. Ketik “regedit” kemudian ENTER
  • Pada regedit, carilah: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ windowsNT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Winlogon \\ Notify
  • Kemudian hapus folder/directory “WGALOGON”
  • Restart kembali komputer seperti biasa

Uninstall Windows Genuine Advance (WGA)

  • Matikan process “wgatray.exe” di Task Manager
  • Restart Windows XP dan masuk safe mode
  • Delete WgaTray.exe dari c:\Windows\System32
  • Delete WgaTray.exe dari c:\Windows\System32\dllcache
  • Buka RegEdit, cari: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Winlogon \\ Notify
  • Delete folder “WgaLogon” dan seluruh isinya
  • Reboot Windows XP

Senin, 25 Januari 2010

Eight manner take care of skin

Skin are very important in our life. Be sides protective organ in body, skin give important image somebody. Now, there are some from our be sides
careless turn out to be fault apply or take care skin. Because smitten with advertisement. whereas, with the simple manner, your skin
will healthy, clean and fresh. Ensuing are some manner for take care your skin :

1. Accustom clean off skin your face routine.
Point in time you cleaned your face did in some stage. Get started cleaned with milk cleanser and toner in morning
and night. And then to be continue cleaned your face with special soap. Although scare applying for makeup and
activity out door. This stage must be to do because your skin not clean only with soap. There is be pregnant alcohol
but employing alcohol with high degree will be enemy for your skin. Mixed with water or at your disposal alcohol with
30% degree for maximal yield.

2. Wash your hand before touch face.
Accustom guard cleanliness hand before you touch your face. Then, your face will distant from bacteria or feces
that can enamoured disease skin like pimple.

3. Use UV protection.
UV gleam very dangerous and can enamoured cancer skin. No just cancer, simple disease like pimple too. so you must
often to use sunblock.

4. Water.
Water are very important for healthy skin. Stop consume water with ion like many product in market. Because
your body constant lacked for hard water 2 liter per day.

5. Massage.
Massage can enamoured circulation blood and new generation skin. Have no need go to spa and drawing room.
Massage with olive oil. The best time for carry out at night. Because will fast circulation exchange cell in skin.
Blotting out weariness, relaxation face and to bright skin.

6. FUN!!!
Don't ever make you stress. More and more you stress with your problem, your hormone will active and enamoured
problem your skin like pimple, eksem, etc.

7. Take a bath.
Take a bath are prominent factor for take care healthy skin. But, had better if not accustom your self bathe with hot spring.
Accustom bathe with temperature salon.

8. Climate.
Accustom use product appropriate with climate and your life style. If you accustom with AC use hydrofuge in order that
your skin not dry. And if you often in out door use sunblock and product be pregnant with vitamine and mineral for take
care your skin constant fresh.

Soda's "Dangerous"

Hot weather or in fastfood restaurant definite any people bespeak soft drink.So feel fresh.. but should you realizing, soda have acute-health effects.

1. Cause of brittle bone.
Soda uterus are cause of brittle bone. It's real, be that somebody adolescent very often consume soda will got a bad fall "Osteoporosis" .
Sufferer will very easy broken bone stricken as compared to other. That one of study in Archives of Pediatric & Adolencent Medicine
journal association health Amerika in there research twisted around little finger that matter this is right. This research headed by
Grace Wyshak from Harvard Medical School in Boston falling on feet to analysing data-survey that do with 460 adolescent in AS.
As a result, adolescent very often consume soda will very easy broken bone stricken as compared to other.

2. Content of caffeine so high.
Aboard one glass soda contained 50 miligram caffeine. Although much smaller just than coffee, content of caffeine decided bad.

One or the other doctor holistic, F. Batmanghelidj, MD, explain than impact the worst caffeine are disease heart and cell brain.
Consume caffeine at pregnant woman bringing on abortion.

3. Be pregnant with sugar excessive.
Content of sugar in soda so high as compared to soft drink other. Aboard canfull soda implicit at the least nine teaspoon.
whereas, requirement of sugar in body might not be more than for teaspoon per day.

4. Causal factor cancer disease.
Soda bringing on air damage to DNA because of sodium benzoate that is preservative essence casually are in soft drink capable
deaden vital fungtion from your DNA.

5. Make trouble for muscle.
This disease be said to be hipokalemia.The sufferer hipokalemia experience slope level potassium in blood beget annoyance to vital fungtion